Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Virtual Technology: Oof!

Social distancing may be our new way of life and meeting clients where they are doesn't mean driving to their house to sit with them at their kitchen table anymore. Now it means scheduling Zoom meetings and completing applications with electronic signatures. It seems virtual technology is here to stay. The Corona-virus has changed the way we do business and we need to embrace it or fizzle out. 

Tips for working with clients virtually:
  • Get comfortable with video conferencing tools like Skype, Zoom and FaceTime. Practice! 
  • Be cognizant of your appearance, what's behind you and background noise. Choose a non-distracting background and turn off radios, TVs, etc. 
  • Make sure your internet connection is strong and your equipment is working, fully charged or plugged in.
  • Only open necessary meeting documents on your computer. This will avoid distractions and accidental sharing of another client's information. 
  • Work with carriers that have drop ticket systems and electronic application and delivery platforms.
  • Partner with a reputable brokerage agency with strong carrier relationships, proven experience, diverse and competitive life insurance products. 
A pandemic causes people to think about their mortality. COVID-19 has reinforced the reality that illness and death can occur at anytime. Americans are seriously thinking about life insurance, and according to Forbes, they are shopping for it. Many quoting agencies are reporting as much as a 50% increase in life insurance applications since mid-February. 

At MVP Financial, we have seen a similar increase in life insurance applications with a rise in the electronic process as the preferred method of submission. While more Americans are working from home and taking care of their families, now is the time to reach out to clients and prospects about checking life insurance shopping off of their to-do list.